List of word wildcards
List of word wildcards

list of word wildcards

The right-hand-side of the search results page. The dictionary and glossary providers we index.įor many words we show "Quick Definitions" and an encyclopedia We're committed to respecting the intellectual property of Third-party content but does not incorporate Of making us click on links to read them? Why don't you show the definitions right on instead

list of word wildcards

Of the page to try your search on other sites. Try clicking on the "other sources" link at the bottom

  • If neither of those suggestions are fruitful, you've stumped us!.
  • You might try searching for the root word. ("desks", for instance, is the plural of the word "desk"),
  • If it's an inflected form of a root word.
  • The page you get when you search for an unknown word should We try to recognize spellingĮrrors, but sometimes we fail. If you get no results for a particular word, it means it's not

    list of word wildcards

  • The quality of the site is poor, or it provides nothing new.
  • We're awaiting permission to include it.
  • Access to the dictionary site is not freely available.
  • It could be any of the following reasons: There's an online dictionary that you don't include.

    List of word wildcards